Assam Public Service Commission

Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, Ghy-781022
PS to Hon'ble Chairman: +91-361-2365426
For Enquiry: +91-361-2368207
For Technical queries: +91-361-2363117
Email: apsc-asm@nic.in

Ashok stambh
Assured Public Service with Commitment
Notifications 2025
SL Notification Date
1 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Electrical Inspector (Grade-I) in the Inspectorate of Electricity Govt. of Assam under Power(Electricity) Department (Advt. No. 14/2024 dtd. 21-06-2024) 10-03-2025
2 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR & Written) for recruitment to the post of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) (Class-III post) in Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited. (AEGCL) (Advt. No. 12/2024 dtd. 07/06/2024) 06-03-2025
3 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR & Written) for recruitment to the post of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) (Class-III post) of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited. (APDCL) (Advt. No. 13/2024 dtd. 07/06/2024) 01-03-2025
4 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Lecturer in DIET (PSTE) under the Directorate of SCERT (Advt. No. 15/2024 dtd. 23-07-2024) 24-02-2025
5 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Tourism Development Officer under Tourism Department (Advt. No. 05/2024 dtd. 27-02-2024) 21-02-2025
6 Notification regarding Interview for recruitment to the post of Child Development Project officer & Allied Cadres under Women and Child Development Department, Assam (Advt. No. 33/2023 dtd. 13-12-2023) 05-02-2025
7 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Enforcement Inspector (EI) under Transport Department.(Advt. No. 17/2024 dtd. 06-08-2024) 03-02-2025
8 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Research Assistant under Finance (Economics Affairs) Department (Advt. No. 09/2024 dtd. 24-04-2024) 20-01-2025
9 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Motor Vehicle Inspector under Transport Department, Assam (Advt. No. 08/2024, dated 11/03/2024) 06-01-2025
10 Notification regarding appointment of Computer Operator in Assam Public Service Commission (Advt. No. 07/2024 dtd. 08-03-2024)
11 How can one submit their choice of language (Assamese/Bengali/Hindi) for the Stenography Proficiency Test for Stenographer Grade-II (Language) (Advt No. 19/2024 dtd. 09-09-2024) 03-01-2025
12 Notification regarding choice of Language for Stenography Proficiency Test for recruitment for the post of Stenographer Grade-II (Language) in Assam Secretariat (Janata Bhawan) under General Administration Department (Advt No. 19/2024 dtd. 09-09-2024) 02-01-2025