Assam Public Service Commission

Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, Ghy-781022
PS to Hon'ble Chairman: +91-361-2365426
For Enquiry: +91-361-2368207
For Technical queries: +91-361-2363117
Email: apsc-asm@nic.in

Ashok stambh
Assured Public Service with Commitment
Vision and Mission

To select suitable candidates possessing the requisite educational qualifications, skills and motivation to serve the people of Assam for the assigned government jobs through a transparent, fair, scintific and time-bound recruitment process thereby making quality and integrity the defining characteristics of the personnel selected.

Composition of the Commission

The composition of the Commission had undergone changes several times since its inception. Against the number of One Chairman and two Members in 1937-1951, it was one Chairman and two/three Members in 1951-1986, one Chairman and six Members in 1986-91, one Chairman and ten Members in 1991 and lastly, by an amendment of 2005, the strength of the Commission was fixed at seven consisting of one Chairman and six Members.

Present incumbents of the Commission
Chairman Shri Debaraj Upadhaya, IPS (Retd.)
Maj Gen Bhaskar Kalita YSM (Retd.)
Shri Bhaskar Phukan, IAS (Retd.)
Shri Mrigesh Narayan Barua, ACS (Retd.)
Secretary Smti Chandana Mahanta, ACS
Principal Controller Of Examinations Shri Chinmoy Nath, ACS