Assam Public Service Commission

Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, Ghy-781022
PS to Hon'ble Chairman: +91-361-2365426
For Enquiry: +91-361-2368207
For Technical queries: +91-361-2363117
Email: apsc-asm@nic.in

Ashok stambh
Assured Public Service with Commitment
Notifications 2024
SL Notification Date
1 Notification regarding cancellation of advertisement for recruitment to 113 posts of Lecturer (Technical), 86 posts of Lecturer (Non-Technical), 61 posts of senior Instructor and 11 posts of Librarian in Polytechnics of Assam vide APSC Advt. 05/2017 dtd. 25.05.2017 24-12-2024
2 Notification regarding the result of 6 (six) candidates in connection with Combined Competitive Examination, 2018, which could not be declared due to order of the Hon'ble Gauhati High Court dated 22/12/2020 passed in Case No. I.A. (Civil)/2220/2020 in WP(C) 3341/2019 24-12-2024
3 Notification regarding Stenography Proficiency Test for recruitment to the posts of Stenographer Grade-II (English & Language) in the Assam Secretariat 18-12-2024
4 Notification regarding Departmental (Promotional) Examination for the post of AFS Junior Grade II (F&AO/TO) under Finance (Estt.-B) Department, Govt. of Assam (Advt. No. 16/2024 dtd. 30-07-2024) 11-12-2024
5 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) under joint cadre of PWRD and Public Works (Bldg. & NH) Deptt. (Advt. No. 10/2024 dtd. 03-05-2024) 29-11-2024
6 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Electrical Inspector (Grade-I) in the Inspectorate of Electricity Govt. of Assam under Power(Electricity) Department (Advt. No. 14/2024 dtd. 21-06-2024) 27-11-2024
7 Notification regarding Computer Proficiency Practical Test for recruitment to the post of Computer Operator in Assam Public Service Commission (Advt. No. 07/2024 dtd. 08-03-2024) 25-11-2024
8 Notification regarding document verification for recruitment to the post(s) of Junior Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department (Advt. No. 29/2023 dtd. 31-10-2023) 18-11-2024
9 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Inspector of Factories, Assam under Labour Welfare Department (Advt. No. 01/2024 dtd. 06-01-2024) 18-11-2024
10 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Veterinary Officer/Block Veterinary Officer, Class-B, Class-I (Jr. Grade) under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Assam, Guwahati (Advt. No. 06/2024, dated 04/03/2024) 14-11-2024
11 Notification regarding the Interview Schedule for the Combined Competitive Examination, 2023 24-10-2024
12 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) under joint cadre of Public Works Roads (PWRD) and Public Works (Building & National Highway) Department [PW(B&NH)D] (Advt. No. 34/2023 dtd. 18-12-2023) 22-10-2024
13 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Plant Manager and its equivalent Posts (Advt. No. 04/2024 dtd. 23-02-2024) 09-10-2024
14 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts (Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE),/District Resource Unit (DRU)) under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam (Advt. No. 20/2022 dtd. 13-09-2022) 05-10-2024
15 Notification regarding Written Examination (Conventional and OMR based) for recruitment to the post of Tourism Development Officer under Tourism Department (Advt. No. 05/2024 dtd. 27-02-2024) 01-10-2024
16 Notification regarding Enforcement Inspector (EI) under Transport Department. (Advt. No. 17/2024 dated 06-08-2024) 10-09-2024
17 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts (Foundation of Education) under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam (Advt. No. 20/2022 dtd. 13-09-2022) 31-08-2024
18 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Veterinary Officer/Block Veterinary Officer, Class-B, Class-I (Jr. Grade) under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Assam, Guwahati (Advt. No. 06/2024, dated 04/03/2024) 23-08-2024
19 Notification regarding the recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) under Public Works Department (Advt. No. 06/2019 dated 19.11.2019) 19-08-2024
20 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Junior Scientific Officer under the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam (Advt. No. 26/2023 dated 05/09/2023) 17-08-2024
21 Corrigendum regarding Written Examination (Conventional and OMR based) for recruitment to the post of Child Development Project officer & Allied Cadres under Women and Child Development Department, Assam (Advt. No. 33/2023 dtd. 13-12-2023)
Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Child Development Project officer & Allied Cadres under Women and Child Development Department, Assam (Advt. No. 33/2023 dtd. 13-12-2023)
22 Programme for Half Yearly Departmental Examination-2023 13-08-2024
23 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Computer Operator in Assam Public Service Commission (Advt. No. 07/2024 dtd. 08-03-2024) 13-08-2024
24 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Research Assistant under Finance (Economics Affairs) Department (Advt. No. 09/2024 dtd. 24-04-2024) 08-08-2024
25 Notification regarding Half Yearly Departmental Examination ,2023 08-08-2024
26 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department (Advt. No. 28/2023 dtd. 31-10-2023) 05-08-2024
27 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Scientific Officer under the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam (Advt. No. 26/2023 dated 05/09/2023) 02-08-2024
28 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Chemical Examiner (Excise) Assam under Excise Department (Advt. No. 27/2023 dated 20/10/2023) 02-08-2024
29 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Motor Vehicle Inspector under Transport Department, Assam (Advt. No. 08/2024 dtd. 11/03/2024) 30-07-2024
30 Notification regarding Document Verification for recruitment to the post of Cultural Development Officer in Directorate of Cultural Affairs under Cultural Affairs Department (Advt. No.25/2023, dated: 05-09-2023) 26-07-2024
31 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Inspector of Factories, Assam under Labour Welfare Department (Advt. No. 01/2024 dtd. 06-01-2024) 23-07-2024
32 Notification regarding cancellation of Advt. No. 31/2023 dtd. 30-11-2023, Stenographer Grade-II in Assam Secretariat (Janata Bhawan) under General Administration Department. 23-07-2024
33 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts (Educational Technology) under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam (Advt. No. 20/2022 dtd. 13-09-2022) 22-07-2024
34 Appointment letter of SHRI DEBOJIT RABHA for the post of NIGHT CHOWKIDAR in the office of the Assam Public Service Commission 19-07-2024
35 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts (Planning & Management/In-Service Education(IFIC)) under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam (Advt. No. 20/2022 dtd. 13-09-2022) 18-07-2024
36 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) under joint cadre of Public Works Roads (PWRD) and Public Works (Building & National Highway) Department [PW(B&NH)D] (Advt. No. 34/2023 dtd. 18-12-2023) 18-07-2024
37 Notification regarding Computer Practical Test for recruitment to the post of Cultural Development Officer in Directorate of Cultural Affairs under Cultural Affairs Department (Advt. No.25/2023, dated: 05-09-2023) 10-07-2024
38 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Archivist, Directorate of Archives, Assam under General Administration (Sectt. Estt.) Department (Advt. No. 10/2023 dtd. 12-04-2023) 02-07-2024
39 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department (Advt. No. 29/2023 dtd. 31-10-2023) 29-06-2024
40 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Asstt. Prof. (Technical) in the State Engineering Colleges of Assam under Higher Education (Technical) Deptt. (Advt. No. 05/2017 dated 25-05-2017) 21-06-2024
41 Notification regarding Half Yearly Departmental Examination-2023 20-06-2024
42 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Inspector of Schools/District Elementary Education Officers/Deputy Director under Assam Education Service (Advt. No.32/2023, dtd 12-12-2023) 18-06-2024
43 Notification regarding the result published for recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) under PWD, Assam vide (Advt. No. 06/2019 dated 19-11-2019) 11-06-2024
44 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Conservation Officer (Gr.II) in the Directorate of Archaeology , Assam under Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Cultural Department (Advt. No. 24/2023, dated: 25/08/2023) 03-06-2024
45 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Junior Information & Public Relations Officer under Information, Public Relations, Printing & Stationery Department, Assam (Advt. No. 19/2023, dtd 03-06-2023) 03-06-2024
46 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post(s) of Senior Information & Public Relations Officer under Information, Public Relations, Printing & Stationery Department, Assam (Advt. No. 18/2023, dtd 03-06-2023) 03-06-2024
47 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Scientific Officer and Junior Scientific Officer under the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam (Advt. No. 26/2023 dated 05/09/2023) 01-06-2024
48 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Chemical Examiner (Excise) Assam under Excise Department (Advt. No. 27/2023 dated 20/10/2023) 31-05-2024
49 Notification regarding postponement of Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department (PHE) (Advt. No. 29/2023 dtd. 31-10-2023) 30-05-2024
50 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Assistant Librarian, Directorate of Archives, Assam under General Administration (Sectt. Estt.) Department. (Advt. No. 10/2023 dtd. 25-05-2023) 22-05-2024
51 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Librarian cum Archive Officer in Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Government Film and Television Institute under Cultural Affairs Department (Advt. No. 13/2021 dtd. 27-12-2021) 21-05-2024
53 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the posts of Lecturer in D.I.E.Ts under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam (Advt. No. 20/2022 dtd. 13-09-2022) 18-05-2024
54 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department (Advt. No. 29/2023 dtd. 31-10-2023) 18-05-2024
55 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Assistant Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department (Advt. No. 28/2023 dtd. 31-10-2023) 18-05-2024
56 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Financial Management Officer (Junior Grade-II) as per Assam Urban Financial Service cadre under Department of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of Assam (Advt. No. 15/2023 dtd. 09-05-2023) 18-05-2024
58 Notification regarding the Programme of Interview/Viva-Voce for recruitment to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) under PWD, Assam vide (Advt. No. 06/2019 dated 19-11-2019) 10-05-2024
59 Notification regarding Programme of Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Urban Technical Officer (Junior Grade-III) as per Assam Urban Engineering Service cadre under Department of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of Assam (Advt. No. 16/2023 dtd. 09/05/2023) 10-05-2024
60 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Director of Economics & Statistics under Transformation and Devetopment Department, Government of Assam (Advt.No.22/2023 dated 24.08.2023) 06-05-2024
61 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Research Officer under Science, Technology & Climate Change Department. (Advt.No.25/2022 dated 07.12.2022) 04-05-2024
62 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Junior Manager (Mechanical, Civil & IT) in Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (AEGCL) (Advt. No. 14/2023, dtd 28-04-2023) 29-04-2024
63 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Junior Manager (Electrical) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) (Advt. No. 08/2023, dtd. 30/03/2023) 23-04-2024
64 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Insurance Medical Officer (IMO) ESI Scheme, Assam under Labour Welfare Department. (Advt. No. 21/2023 dtd. 27-07-2023) 19-04-2024
65 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Junior Manager (IT) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) (Advt. No. 08/2023, dtd. 30/03/2023) 12-04-2024
66 Notification regarding Interview programme for the post of NIGHT CHOWKIDAR in the office of the Assam Public Service Commission (Advt. No. 30/2023 dtd. 22-11-2023) 03-04-2024
67 Items ALLOWED and BARRED in the examination venues for CCE(Prelim)-2023. 16-03-2024
68 Locations of venues for Guwahati center for CCE(Prelim)-2023. 12-03-2024
69 Notification regarding Written Test for recuitment to the post of Junior Information & Public Relations Officer under Information, Public Relations, Printing & Stationery Department, Assam (Advt. No. 19/2023, dtd 03-06-2023) 12-03-2024
70 Notification regarding Written Test for recuitment to the post of Senior Information & Public Relations Officer under Information, Public Relations, Printing & Stationery Department, Assam (Advt. No. 18/2023, dtd 03-06-2023) 12-03-2024
71 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recuitment to the post of Inspector of Schools / District Elementary Education Officers / Deputy Director under Assam Education Service (Advt. No.32/2023, dtd 12-12-2023) 11-03-2024
72 Sample copy of the OMR sheet for Combined Competitive (Prel.) Examination-2023 08-03-2024
73 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recuitment to the post of Conservation Officer (Gr.II) in the Directorate of Archaeology , Assam under Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Cultural Department (Advt. No. 24/2023, dated: 25/08/2023) 07-03-2024
74 Notification regarding Document Verification for the post of NIGHT CHOWKIDAR in the office of the Assam Public Service Commission (Advt. No. 30/2023 dtd. 22-11-2023) 06-03-2024
75 Notification regarding change in venue name for Combined Competitive (Prel.) Examination-2023 05-03-2024
76 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Junior Manager (Electrical), in Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (AEGCL) (Advt. No. 14/2023, dtd 28-04-2023) 28-02-2024
77 Notification regarding the programme for the Combined Competitive (Prel.) Examination-2023 23-02-2024
78 Notification regarding rescheduling of date for Combined Competitive (Prel.) Examination-2023 22-02-2024
79 Notification regarding scribe for PwBD candidates for Combined Competitive (Prel.) Examination-2023 22-02-2024
80 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Manager (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil) , in Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (AEGCL) (Advt. No. 13/2023, dtd 28-04-2023) 20-02-2024
81 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Research Officer (RRSC) in the directorate of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Assam under Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Culture Department. (Advt. No. 09/2023, dtd 30-03-2023) 20-02-2024
82 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Junior Manager (Electrical/Mechanical/Information Technology/Instrumentation) in Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL)(Advt. No. 12/2023, dtd 25-04-2023) 17-02-2024
83 Notification regarding Combined Competitive (Prel.) Examination-2023 16-02-2024
84 Notification regarding Junior Manager (Electrical/Mechanical) in Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL) (Advt. No. 12/2023 dtd. 25-04-2023) 13-02-2024
85 Notification regarding Interview Programme for the post of Forest Ranger in the Assam Forest Service under Environment & Forests Deptt., Assam (Advt. No. 14/2021 dtd. 27-12-2021) 09-02-2024
86 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Manager (Electrical) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) (Advt. No. 06/2023, dtd. 28th March 2023) 02-02-2024
87 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recuitment to the post of Assistant Research Officer under Science, Technology & Climate Change Department. (Advt.No.25/2022 dated 07.12.2022) 30-01-2024
88 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Manager (Electrical/Human Resource) in Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL) (Advt. No. 11/2023, dtd. 25/04/2023) 24-01-2024
89 Notification regarding change in Interview/Viva-Voce timing for the post of Conservation Officer (Gr. II) in the Directorate of Archaeology, Assam under Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Cultural Department (Advt. No. 04/2022 dtd. 29-03-2022) 19-01-2024
90 Tentative Annual Calendar of Examinations/Viva-Voce - 2024 11-01-2024
91 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Conservation Officer (Gr. II) in the Directorate of Archaeology, Assam under Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Cultural Department (Advt. No. 04/2022 dtd. 29-03-2022) 11-01-2024
92 Notification regarding reschedule of Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) (Advt. No. 06/2023, dtd. 28th March 2023) 17-01-2024
93 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) (Advt. No. 06/2023, dtd. 28th March 2023) 11-01-2024
94 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Inspector of Statistics in the Directorate of Economics & Statistics under Transformation and Development Department, Government of Assam (Advt. No. 04/2023 dated 23-03-2023) 11-01-2024
95 Notification regarding Screening Test (OMR Based) for recruitment to the post of Librarian cum Archive Officer in Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Government Film and Television Institute under Cultural Affairs Department (Advt. No. 13/2021 dtd. 27-12-2021) 11-01-2024
96 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Lecturer (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry) at Sericulture Training Institute, Titabor, Jorhat.(Advt. No. 15/2022 dtd. 10/08/2022) 10-01-2024
97 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for the post of Research Assistant in Planning Services under Transformation and Development Department (Advt. No. 03/2023, dtd. 23/03/2023) 05-01-2024
98 Notification regarding list of cadidates eligible for Paper - II(English Language) in connection with the Written Examination (OMR Based & Conventional) for recruitment to the post of Cultural Development Officer in Directorate of Cultural Affairs under Cultural Affairs Department (Advt. No.25/2023, dated: 05-09-2023 03-01-2024
99 Notification regarding Interview/Viva-Voce for recruitment to the post of Assistant Manager (Human Resource) in Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) (Advt. No. 07/2023, dtd. 30/03/2023) 03-01-2024